There are even more Slugs for you to wage war with this time and they are even more over the top than in the previous game. This time you can turn into a zombie and even sport some really cool scuba diving gear for an underwater section. I really liked the transformations in the second game and that has been brought back here. Metal Slug 3 does add a few fun things to the game.
I knew I was going to go back and experience them all. I know the first time I ever played the PlayStation 2 version of Metal Slug 3 and heard that there were multiple paths on the levels. This is great stuff as for me it really does improve the replayability of the game.
You example the very first mission actually has three different routes that you can take! The big improvement here is that the levels now have branching paths that you can take. It does what the previous games did and it does it just as well if not better. The core gameplay is unchanged and I am not going to criticize the game for that at all.